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Friday, June 5, 2015

Five For Friday

Wait... what day is it? When I am on summer vacation, I don't even know! It is an amazing perk to get summers off and boy do I live it up!I try my best to spend as much time as possible doing things with my kids as well as things I've been wanting to do or putting off. Like starting this blog back up! Or opening a TPT store! Or writing my very first Five For Friday post after reading everyone else's for years! I am hooking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for this one :) Here we go!

1. Lego Land San Diego

We had never been before but we got the opportunity to go almost free! It was something my son had been dreaming of for a while. We had a good time! The weather was cloudy and on the cool side (the norm for San Diego year round). It doesn't compare in the slightest to Disneyland, which we go to all the time, but once we got over that, we ended up having a blast. I liked that there were no crowds best.

2. LAST day of school was last Thursday!!!! I LIVE for this day! Once May comes and our schedule gets all crazy with special events and rehearsals, all bets are off. I just want the year to end. I am ready for all the crazy to stop being crazy. The bitter sweet part is missing my class and the wonderful ladies I worked with the year. Both my student teacher and my teachers aide are graduating and I am losing them BOTH! Isn't that sad for me?? But definitely good for them. they will go far in life because seriously, they were amazing. I just can't say enough about them except I don't remember what it is like to teach without them. Sad face :( :( :(

3.  Last Tee Ball game. I was talking with one of them omm's on the team and she brought up how tonight was not only the last tee ball game of the season but EVER! Our boys are moving on to Farm in the Fall Ball season. This is a season of lasts, isn't it? I love watching my boy play ball and I am thankful he found something he really loves and is actually quite good at!

4. Chicken coop! In April I *attempted* to hatch chicken eggs with my class. 21 eggs were donated, 11 fit in the inucbator and only ONE hatched! Well, my kids and I fell in love with that one little chick. It it is now 6 weeks old, it's name is Miss Watermelon Heaven (That's blog post for another day, but we call it Melon for short )and here to stay forever. It has been living in a box in my kitchen all this time waiting for summer to begin so my handy hubby could build me this chicken coop. I am so excited! We should be getting eggs by summer's end!


5.  Blogilates.
Have you heard of it? I don't even know how I came across it but I am hooked on her exercise routines she posts on youtube. Now that I have time to exercise that is. I am determined to keep up with her monthly exercise plan. I don't know about you but I get super bored with sticking with the same routine. I plan to really mix it up and her routines do that. Plus, I am training the *dog* (yup, mmmm, hmmm) to run a 5k. It seems the *dog* has never run more than a mile straight through sincs high school. So, yeah, that's where we are at with that... ;)

Before I go, I wanted to announce that I have finally started my own TPT store. After being a loyal customer to many of you for years, I thought I'd share what I do in my classroom. It isn't much yet but there will be more coming soon so keep checking back! Here are some fonts I just created! I hope you like them!

1 comment:

  1. Lego Land sounds like so much fun! Congrats on opening up your TPT store. I just got "serious" with mine and went to a premium seller at the beginning of this year. If you stay with it, it can be a blessing. I have enjoyed it more than I ever thought I would. Best of luck with yours and I love you fonts you created! Have a great weekend!!

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